Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bible Reading Challenge

Yesterday I met with three of my girlfriends to touch base and pray. We talked about the changes we'd like to see in our spiritual lives in 2011. One thing we all mentioned is that we'd like to be reading our Bibles more.

Excuses I've heard - and used myself - for not reading the Bible:
I don't have time - my schedule is too busy.
I need sleep - my body and mind is too tired.
I don't understand what I read - the Bible is too

The word of God changes us. I was a christian for over 12 years before I started reading my Bible regularly. It wasn't until that time that I started to really understand who Jesus is and how He loves me. I learned that I must not let the "tyranny of the urgent" crowd out what is really important.

The priorities of life become clearer and I was able to let go of the assumptions, expectations and obligations that really weren't worth my time and effort.

Rest and refreshing came when I spent time reading and meditating on the Bible. I slept better and became a more cheerful and positive person. Even if this was the only benefit, it was worth it.

The more I read the Bible, the more I was able to make connections between the Old and New Testaments. I learned to understand and apply the principles outlined there. It became less complicated and more cohesive. I came to understand how important context is and how the contradictions I thought I saw weren't really contradictions at all. I also learned that Jesus loves me unconditionally, and without restraint. His promises are for me.

AND...they are for you. But you won't know what they are unless you read your Bible regularly.

A Challenge: Read Your Bible Every Day For A Month
(Get a translation you understand. I use the New International Version (NIV))

Go to www.heartlight.org for a Bible Reading Plan. I suggest choosing a New Testament one to start.

Keep a notebook with your insights, thoughts and questions. I'd like to know what changes occur after reading every day for one month and I'd like to know if you plan to keep reading.

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